Trying to Buy & Sell at the same time is tricky.

There can be huge lifestyle or financial consequences.

The good news is that you can plan ahead to be successful!


If you don’t do this right, you’ll wind up homeless.


That’s your first consideration. If you Sell before you Buy, where are you going to live in the meantime?

Yes, you can rent. That brings it’s own set of problems. Four dogs, first, last, security deposit, 6 month minimum lease, etc.

And you have to move. Twice.


On the other hand, if you Buy before you Sell, you could be paying two mortgages.

For a while.

And that adds up quickly, especially if you’re moving up to a more expensive home.


Neither are good options. Depending on your financial situation, one may be the lesser evil and you can deal with it.

But if money is a bit tighter, it gets scary pretty quickly.

There is hope, though!

3 Easy Steps

1. Know the Market
2. Know your current home’s value
3. Take Action

I could expound several pages worth of content here, but the best way is to

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